Archive for April, 2008

Biggest Loser Australia – 2008 Viewer Survey

Yes, once again we are being asked our opinions via a survey on the official Biggest Loser Website.

Questions range from whether you like The Warehouse and The Walk, to what you would like to see more of, to whether the Black Team twist was interesting or exciting to you.

The answers you provide have the potential to change the game forever!

… Sorry.

And doubly sorry, since we got fucked up the ass by this last year when they completely ignored what we really told them, though the survey claims The Warehouse was created as a response to the request for more nutritional information.

For anyone who has missed the handful of episodes featuring the Warehouse, the contestants are asked to choose between two or three sets of food that they are supposed to eat for the week. Virtually every week the selection process has been heavily overshadowed by fighting between teams and even between teammates. Nutritional information is slotted in halfheartedly and often only from the mouths of contestants. Would you trust people who weigh over 100kg when it comes to what foods are good for you?

Yeah, I don’t either.

I’m not saying don’t fill out the survey. You absolutely should fill out the survey. Maybe they truly will listen this year, you never know!

But even if they don’t then next year you can join the rest of us in bitching about that damn production team. It’s fun!

If you want to complete the survey, click here. It should take you around 5-10 minutes to complete.

Biggest Loser Australia 3×65: Eliminated Elimination Round One!

Tonight on The Biggest Loser the games for the eliminated contestants really begin.

Weights will be slung across shoulders and the knives will inevitably come out in some fashion, because that’s the only kind of drama the producers know how to produce, these days!

Want the details of the challenge?
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Biggest Loser Australia 3×64: The Most Shocking Temptation EVER

Tonight on The Biggest Loser… let the games begin!

The eliminated contestants are competing for a chance to come back into the game and there’ll be a variety of challenges involved in doing so.
Who will win?

Read on to find out… or take a stab in the dark and assume it will be Cosi and someone else, because you’ll probably be right!
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Biggest Loser Australia 3×63: Eliminated Contestants Strike Back!

Tonight on the Biggest Loser all the eliminated contestants return to the White House for another bite at the low-fat cherry!

“G’day suckers, Uncle Cosi’s back!”

Would you like to know more?
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Biggest Loser Australia 3×62: Week 10 Elimination

Tonight on The Biggest Loser, Cosi and Sam face elimination.
Both are seen as threats within the game, however with Blue holding a majority of the votes, it seems a foregone conclusion that Cosi will be sent packing.

But will the Blue Team alliance finally show a crack tonight?

Read on to find out…
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